The Real AF Guide to Dealing with Stress (No Meditation Apps Required)

3 min readJust now
Photo by Hailey Kean on Unsplash

Because sometimes “just breathe” isn’t enough 😤

Let’s skip the typical “stress is bad” intro — you know that already. Instead, let’s talk about what actually works when your brain feels like it’s running 47 tabs at once, and none of them are responding.

The Brutal Truth About Stress

You’re not broken if you’re stressed. You’re human. Your body doesn’t know the difference between:

  • A deadline that could get you fired
  • A lion that could eat you
  • Your inbox hitting 1,000+ unread emails

To your nervous system, it’s all “DANGER! PANIC! ORDER PIZZA!”

Why Traditional Advice Often Sucks

The Reality Check:

  • “Just meditate!” (When???)
  • “Try yoga!” (In this economy?)
  • “Get more sleep!” (Tell that to my anxiety at 3 AM)
  • “Go for a walk!” (While my phone explodes with notifications?)

What Actually Works: The No-BS Approach

1. The 60-Second Reset




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